Project MARC (Making A Real Commitment) 25



Project MARC (Making A Real Commitment) 25’s  mission is to inspire girls and women to discover new possibilities.


Project MARC (Making A Real Commitment) 25 envisions a world where girls and women of color live self-sufficient lives, empowered through skills development, mentorship, and unwavering support.

“We should seek out all the doors which still remain ajar, however slight the opening might be.” - Angela Davis


Project MARC (Making A REAL Commitment) 25 








REAL people, REAL challenges, REAL solutions, and REAL possibilities for transformation through support.  


The founder, staff and volunteers at Project MARC (Making A Real Commitment) 25 are REAL people with relevant life experiences, who are committed to serving, mentoring and supporting girls and women in everyday life. 


Tamara L. Edwards, the founder of Project MARC 25, is passionate about supporting women in transition due to navigating many of her own obstacles early in life, particularly the death of her mother at a very young age, her grandparents as a teen, experiencing domestic violence, and overcoming other life challenges as a young adult. Despite the odds, she was able to transition from welfare and housing assistance, graduate from a life skills program, obtain sustainable employment, graduate college, and buy her first home, by the age of 30, all while raising her (then) young son.

Tamara credits the majority of her success to the original Project MARC program (1991) led by Jerri McKinney.  Project MARC provided assistance with childcare, transportation, books and supplies, and held weekly peer support groups and social excursions and events for mothers and their children.

With Project MARC’s support, Tamara completed the Regional Occupational Programs Office Skills/Administrative Program, an internship in Congressman George Miller’s Office, and became a receptionist at the City of Hercules. At the behest of Ms. McKinney, Tamara was also instrumental in securing additional funding for Project MARC by sharing her success story at a meeting with the state of CA. Along with professional opportunities and internships, Tamara gained lifelong friendships from other participants in Project MARC. She has also followed the example of the program by mentoring young women who intern in her office, providing them with life skills and professional development coaching.

Tamara has over 25 years’ experience in Civil Service as an Administrator with the City of Richmond, CA.  She has recently retired to pursue her life’s passion which is to provide support to girls and women in the Richmond and West Contra Costa communities.