Project MARC (Making A Real Commitment) 25

Project MARC (Making A Real Commitment) 25

“To be truly visionary we have to root our imagination in our concrete reality while simultaneously imagining possibilities beyond that reality.”

– bell hooks.


Project MARC 25’s vision is to empower girls and women to live a life of self-sufficiency through life-skills development, mentoring, and support.



PM25 will provide one-on-one and group coaching services to individuals.


PM25 will perform an intake assessment on all clients.



PM25 will complete a Life Plan for each client to address key areas of support to assist them with becoming and maintaining stability in the following areas:

  • Housing
  • Education
  • Employment
  • Finances
  • Transportation
  • Safety
  • Family⁄Relationships
  • Health and Wellness
  • Spiritual
  • Social⁄Recreation


PM25 will connect individuals and/or groups to various service providers to assist them in identifying and addressing interpersonal and professional goals.


Being a part of Project MARC 25 program and having a sisterhood with these ladies. I have never been a part of a real sisterhood and what we have built is just that, I can text these ladies outside of our meeting and there always down to help. 

- S. Dominick

Since I've become a part or Project MARC 25 I've been more open. Open to new friendships, new ways of thinking, and a new way of being. I am no longer afraid to ask for help when I need it nor am I afraid to express myself to others. I am learning that friendships are very important and things can be so much simpler if I allow people to be a part of my life.



- T. Graves

Since I've become a part or Project MARC 25 I've been more open. Open to new friendships, new ways of thinking, and a new way of being. I am no longer afraid to ask for help when I need it nor am I afraid to express myself to others. I am learning that friendships are very important and things can be so much simpler if I allow people to be a part of my life.


- K. Carter


Contributions to Project MARC (Making A Real Commitment) 25 for common concerns are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.
Our tax identification number is 81-1975721.



Project MARC (Making A Real Commitment) 25
Tamara L. Edwards, President/CEO
1503 Macdonald Avenue, Suite A
Richmond, CA 94801
Office: (510) 730-1505